Please note the college will be closed from 5pm 20 December - 6 January. Key Information for the Christmas Break


Wirral Met College’s next open evening takes place on Thursday 21st March 2019 from 4.30pm to 7.00pm, at the Conway Park, Twelve Quays, Wirral Waters and Oval Campuses. 


Come along to our open evening and find out why you should choose Wirral Met.

  • Outstanding support
  • Excellent facilities
  • Student bursaries, free transport and free meals
  • We’re working in partnership with the University of Chester, University of Liverpool and UCLan
  • Great links with employers for work placements, traineeships & apprenticeships

Meet the students and tutors to find out more about the courses. Visit the workshops, training restaurant and salons where you could be studying. Find out about lunchtime sports activities including the football team. Speak to the Student Advisers for impartial advice and guidance on the best course options for you.

Visitors will be able to take a look around the College’s facilities and displays including the Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM) Centre and Logistics & Warehousing Centre at the Twelve Quays Campus, Construction workshops at the award winning Wirral Waters Campus, and the hair and beauty salons and training kitchens at the Conway Park Campus. A detailed list of course locations are available in the poster below along with campus addresses. 

Sport and Public Services courses are held at the College’s Oval Campus in Bebington (next to the Oval Sports Centre), whilst the rest of the courses are held in Birkenhead at the Conway Park, Twelve Quays and Wirral Waters Campuses

 Wirral Met College. Open Evening. Thursday 21st March 2019

Ofsted good