Please note the college will be closed from 5pm 20 December - 6 January. Key Information for the Christmas Break


Wirral Met College is leading a consortium of colleges and private training providers to support employers with funding, to help them grow, develop and improve their competitive edge through workforce development.

To be eligible for the funding, employers should employ 249 or less staff, and employees must be aged 19+, employed for at least 8 hours per week and work in the Liverpool City Region. There are also a few limited opportunities for financial support for larger employers. Companies across many different sectors are being encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity, which is supported by Skills for Growth funding provided via the Skills Funding Agency’s Growth Deals project, and available until 31st March 2016.

Wirral Met College recognises that employers need help when investing time and resources in training and developing their workforce. The college’s Employer Services team work with employers to help them identify their key training needs and ensure that there is a real return on investment for each organisation.

From call centres to construction companies, marketing agencies to private care homes, employees across all levels of the organisation can benefit from training to improve efficiency, effectiveness and therefore the growth of an organisation. Companies need to conform to ever changing legislative requirements, which can involve providing training to new staff on how to deal with infection control, food safety in catering or food allergen awareness, or managing health and safety. From recruitment and selection to payroll, understanding pensions, or coaching and mentoring for managers, Wirral Met has a wide range of short courses to help address the needs of local employers.

Employers are encouraged to get in touch with our Employer Services team on 0151 551 7610 as soon as possible to take advantage of this opportunity or visit Employer Skills Fund for more details.